Severe Spinal Cord Injuries

Slip and Fall Injuries

When property owners become neglectful, they can unknowingly create a dangerous situation. “Slip and fall” accidents can happen anywhere. Falls that occur inside could be the result of bad flooring, wet walkways, poorly lit steps, or hidden defects. Icy patches, cracks in the sidewalk, weather-related conditions, and potholes are the most common causes of slip […]

$6.25 Million Settlement in Negligent Security Case

After rejecting an initial offer of $100,000.00, a $6.25 million settlement was recently awarded to a young father.  His case involved allegations of inadequate security at a restaurant where he was shot at in 2007.   As a result of the shooting, the plaintiff was permanently paralyzed below the waist. While at a restaurant in the […]

Hospital Admits Mistake after Teen Left Paralyzed

A teenager was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down after an epidural anesthetic was left in her spine for too long. The young woman was 14 years old when she went in for a routine operation to remove gallstones. During the patient’s hospital stay, the hospital staff had been told that the numbness had […]