Inadequate Security

When Injured on Someone Else’s Property, Who is to Blame?

Property owners have a duty to provide a reasonably safe environment for other who may enter their establishment. In the legal world, we call this premises liability. When someone is injured on another person’s property and sues, courts first seek to determine whether the injured was allowed on the premises. If the owner consents to […]

Store clerk shoots and kills customer with mental disability – and held responsible

A 21 year old man who suffered from mental illness got into a verbal altercation with a store clerk at a Shell gas station.  Instead of deescalating the situation, the clerk responsible for store “security” shot and killed the customer.  The parents of the victim rightfully sued based on the store’s failure to screen its employees prior to being […]

$6.25 Million Settlement in Negligent Security Case

After rejecting an initial offer of $100,000.00, a $6.25 million settlement was recently awarded to a young father.  His case involved allegations of inadequate security at a restaurant where he was shot at in 2007.   As a result of the shooting, the plaintiff was permanently paralyzed below the waist. While at a restaurant in the […]