Archive | October 2013

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When Injured on Someone Else’s Property, Who is to Blame?

Property owners have a duty to provide a reasonably safe environment for other who may enter their establishment. In the legal world, we call this premises liability. When someone is injured on another person’s property and sues, courts first seek to determine whether the injured was allowed on the premises. If the owner consents to […]

How to Manage Your Money After a Settlement

Many of our clients end are awarded large sums of money at the end of their cases, either through settlements or jury decisions. But after the check clears, it can be hard to manage the funds to make sure they last. Financial matters can be complicated—there are so many different ways to spend, save, and […]

Reaping the Benefits of Social Security

Threats of government shutdown foster nationwide concern over which federal programs would be affected. Although several activities would ultimately come to a standstill during the shutdown period, many were thankful to hear social security would function as usual. Established in the 1930s as a safeguard for seniors during the Great Depression, social security now offers […]

Pharmaceutical Errors

More than 1.5 million people are injured each year in the U.S. due to medication errors, and about 7,000 are killed. When doctors or pharmacists makes a mistake with prescription medications, the consequences can be fatal. Claims for prescription errors are often based on simple negligence, but can be attributed to professional malpractice. The following […]

Understanding Your Rights in Medical Care

When a loved one is in need of medical care, it is important to research all the options and choose a provider you feel comfortable with. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen, even with a carefully chosen healthcare provider. Medical malpractice occurs when a provider, usually a doctor or hospital, fails to administer treatment that meets the […]