Injuries to Children

Why You Shouldn’t Tweet About Your Injury Case

In a few short years, social media has become an inescapable addition to our lives. Each day, one of the first and last things we do include browsing and sharing news and photos with our networks. While these habits are part of our daily routine, in the midst of a personal injury case, it’s advisable […]

SWAT Grenade Severely Injures Toddler, But County Refuses to Pay

The night of May 28, SWAT officers entered a Habersham County home. They’d received a tip about drug-activity at the house. Issued a no-knock warrant, the officers opted for the method of surprise. They burst through the door and threw a flash grenade into the house, hoping to stun and temporarily disable suspects. The grenade […]

Water Safety

It’s that time of year again! Swimming pools, beaches and water parks are packed with families eager to cool off in the stifling summer heat. While plenty of great memories are sure to be made poolside, it’s also a good time to remind parents and guardians of the dangers of water activities. According to the […]

Even You Can Prevent Fire Catastrophes

Despite the season or temperature, many in the South enjoy time spent outdoors, especially for grilling and camping. And as summer quickly approaches, the number of people engaging in fire-related activities will increase. Unfortunately, many will initiate such hoopla unschooled in fire safety guidelines. Grills and campfires are the two most common sources of fire-related […]

10 Tips for Winning Your Personal Injury Case

At McAleer Law, we specialize in personal injury and wrongful death litigation. Unfortunately, mistakes made before you contact an attorney could hamper your ability to recover compensation. You can increase your chances of having a successful case and recovering damages with these 10 tips: Know your rights. It is important to understand the rights entitled […]

Pharmaceutical Errors

More than 1.5 million people are injured each year in the U.S. due to medication errors, and about 7,000 are killed. When doctors or pharmacists makes a mistake with prescription medications, the consequences can be fatal. Claims for prescription errors are often based on simple negligence, but can be attributed to professional malpractice. The following […]

Understanding Your Rights in Medical Care

When a loved one is in need of medical care, it is important to research all the options and choose a provider you feel comfortable with. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen, even with a carefully chosen healthcare provider. Medical malpractice occurs when a provider, usually a doctor or hospital, fails to administer treatment that meets the […]

When the Bite’s Worse Than the Bark

An estimated 2 million attacks occur each year with only 800,000 documented. While some breeds have the tendency for more aggression than others, animal attacks can happen anywhere, anytime. Sadly, many victims are under 10 years of age and dog bites alone make up for most child emergency room visits due to an animal attack. […]

Keeping Your Kids Safe in Day Care

Choosing your child’s day care program can be frustrating, scary, and exhausting for both you and your child. How can you know that a trusted adult is watching over the children at all times? And for a child with food allergies, was the lunch meal double-checked to make sure no peanuts were present? The constant […]

Sports Camp Injuries

When a parent sends their child to sports camp, they expect their young athlete will have the time of their life, make many new friends, improve on their skills, and be cared for properly throughout the duration of the session. However, when a child experiences serious injury in a controlled environment, like a sports camp, […]