Archive | August 2011

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Jury Awards $35 Million in Wave Runner Collision

A jury has found Yamaha responsible for a 2005 Wave Runner accident that killed a 14-year old girl and injured her best friend. The jury awarded $19 million to the parents of the young woman that was killed and $16 million to the injured friend. It was determined that Yamaha Motor Corp. USA failed to correct steering […]

Hospital Admits Mistake after Teen Left Paralyzed

A teenager was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down after an epidural anesthetic was left in her spine for too long. The young woman was 14 years old when she went in for a routine operation to remove gallstones. During the patient’s hospital stay, the hospital staff had been told that the numbness had […]

Foreign Object Left in Patient Leads to a $375,000 Medical Malpractice Verdict

Four years after undergoing aortofemoral bypass surgery in January 2004, an 85-year-old woman underwent a second surgery to remove a surgical sponge previously left behind.  Throughout those four years, the woman suffered from pain in her back and the lower left quadrant of her abdomen, weakness, dizziness, numerous infections that were treated with antibiotics, nausea, […]

Welcome to our new blog

Welcome to the new blog of McAleer Law. Please keep following us for the latest on personal injury cases throughout the United States and for more information about our services. The McAleer Law Firm is a nationally recognized expert on all personal injury cases, including car accidents, animal attacks, and nursing home abuse.